Go write Chapter 1 of your book. Don’t worry, no one is looking … or ever going to read it.
I don’t mean that like “no one is ever going to read it anyway” comment because your book will sell 3 copies (you, spouse, blind aunt), but because it’s only to get it out of your system.
I’m hardly a mechanic, but I know you need to flush things out. Clean them out, get out the gunk, rinse, wash, and clean before you put in the new oil.
“Not Chapter One” is the un-chapter, it’s the chapter you’ll wish you wrote
It’s the free flowing, no holds barred, no-one-is-going-to-see-this-anway chapter. Just get it out of your system. Just start writing and let it go. Start with the first word, the opening scene, or start from anywhere, from any scene. No characters? No problem. Just start.
“Bad” and “good” aren’t adjectives here. We’re going for volume, quantity, existence, birth. Like sweat, like in the sauna, get those toxins out of your pores. Maybe even a blood letting, the venom flows out with the blood. But don’t bleed to death, just enough to get it out of your system.
Tomorrow morning: Not Chapter One from the Markree Castle.
- Possible: Bad Chapter One
- Impossible: Perfect Chapter One
- Repossible: Not Chapter One
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Write, flow, bleed, sweat, just get it out of your system. It’s a freebie, a gimme, a throw away. Let it all out.